Sunday, 13 April 2008


Well, been having a shitty couple of days...

Had to finish my coursework, and I finished fine, handed it in on time, but now I'm worried I hurried it up and so didn't finish certain sentences and whatnot - but I don't dare check what I've got on my laptop incase that is the case! cause there's nothing I can do about it now is there... ah well

Went out to the LGBT meeting, got my hoodie - it's fab lol, can't stop wearing it it's all cosy
but yeah, went to the meeting, had like, 2cigs, and didn't have a single drink, which is good.. I think.

I wanted to spend money on some stuff I saw on a website, I really REALLY want the stuff, and I could easily afford it, but my landlord for next year called me, and said that within the week I have to pay my deposit for my flat for next year, which means I might not be able to get what I want... well, I prolly can, but not as soon as I want it...

And my god am I bored shitless
I have no dvds to watch, I have no books to read (I stupidly left them at home - idiot), I don't even have any coursework to do! and I won't have any more this year. I mean, I'm now free on mondays and thursdays, only 2hours on the tuesday, 1hour on wednesdays, and MAYBE 1hour on friday, so not even in uni much anymore... Just going to have to start studying for the exams in 3weeks, which will go badly as I never bloody study... and having nothing to do but work or get absolutely shitfaced is not a good thing, especially atm...

so, shit times lie ahead...


*sarcastic yay*

mood : upset

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