Today I want to talk about a friend, and I'm really annoyed with him.
My friend, I confided in him about something that's not really a big deal (actually confided in him about other stuff too), just that I've never really had a proper relationship and so have not been intimate with guys(or girls for that matter). and he's gay, and he is, well, slag isn't really the right word, but he enjoys getting laid as often as he can.
All my friends here at uni just assume that I have been intimate, probably because everyone seems to think I'm in my 20's and they just assume, which doesn't bother me.
So, he likes sex. he loves it. he needs it. and he does talk about it with me, about various guys he's been with, about this one guy who is amazing in bed apparently, etc (not in detail obviously).
And I don't mind it.
But when I told him about me, he was gobsmacked (seriously, his jaw dropped and he just looked so shocked)
His reaction was
"OMG Cat, really? You HAVE to have sex, it is amazing, you're really missing out. Why don't you, I'll find you someone. You have to have sex, seriously how can you not?"Which, is not the best of responses.
But I just told him that it's my life, he loves sex, good for him, and it doesn't bother me. I don't quite care right now. And when I'm ready to, I'll be ready to. I mean, it's my own private life so what the hell.
But he just kept going on and on about it. How I'm a freak for not having sex cause it's the best thing in the world and blah blah blah
It bothered me, I got annoyed but didn't really tell him.
I just kept telling him to stop going on about it, it's none of his business.
But he kept going on about it. And then we'd go out drinking and he'd drunkenly shout at me (when we were out with loads of people), saying "Cat you really need to get laid" , and he'd say it about... a dozen times a night.
And one time I got really angry, I got serious and said "ffs, if you keep going on about it and saying it whenever you get drunk I will get angry and I will stop talking to you"
(I mean, I confided in him, I trusted him, he's supposed to keep it to himself, it's none of his business, he shouldn't go round mentioning it)
He apologised and said he'd try not to go on about it when he's drunk.
And he stopped.... for about a week.
Last night, he got very drunk (as he always does)
and we were in his room with friends, chatting, drinking, smoking.
And I can't remember how it got mentioned, but he just blatantly went "Yeah and Cat's never had sex, she's a viiiiiiiirgin"
as if it was one of the worst things ever
And it's got me annoyed, it's not so much that the others now know, because to be honest, most were wasted and can't remember much, but one of them sort of knew and another he's probably my closest friend here at uni and I don't care if he knows.
It's the fact that he just blurted it out, as if.. it was just a casual conversation, and that my sex life was a perfectly normal thing to blurt out
I trusted him, (granted it's not something that's terribly important but still) and he just kept going on about it and then just told people.
He could blame the alcohol, but that is a shit excuse. it doesn't fucking work that way.
So yeah,
Right now I am so fucking pissed off at him.
I don't even want to talk to him or see him.
Maybe I'm making a big deal out of nothing?
I don't know how to react to it, what to do about it.
I don't want to forgive him, because I had warned him, asked him to be careful, and he didn't give a shit.
The alcohol is not an excuse.
*rant over*
1st off, always tell someone when they have said something to annoy you, its gets the problem out of the way quicker.
2)Being a virgin is a good thing, it means u r not a slut ! We both could easily get laid Cathy and by waiting for the right person its going to hopefully be spectacular, not because of technique but because it'll be LURVE !
3) You could always brooke yourself :-P (see One Tree Hill:
4)I replied to your comment about MSF and IMC
BTW i define slut as: Someone who has sex too much as in its an addiction AND make virgins feel bad for it. Cause enjoiying sex is NOT a bad thing. But making virgins feel like crap and saying virginity is a bad thing makes u a slut :-P LOL
I'm glad you like the new blog colour - I like it too!
I will probably talk to him later on today, as we are going out (the usual friday night).
The slut thing, I know what you mean. He is a slut. He was going at me how it had been 3days since he'd last had sex (which to him was aaaaages). And it's a different person everytime (pretty much). I think he said he had been with over 500guys in the past.. 5years, which qualifies as slutty.
He does make me feel bad for being a virgin.
My other friends don't.
ah well
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