Friday, 17 October 2008

Money! it's evil

I actually should be getting ready to go to the library before uni.. So this may be a bit rushed

After reading Esu's blog about MSF and IMC, it got me angry.
not because of what she mentioned, but because of money.

That HORRIBLE word.
I hate it, I really do.
(well, actually I love having money, but it's more the concept of money and what it makes people do/not do)

Money is an evil thing.
All is does is create conflict, divides people, makes people rich and powerful whilst making others poor and insignificant.

I'm so sick and tired of this whole idea of, the more money you have the better you are, and if you have less than X amount you qualify as scum.
I admit that I sometimes just go with society. not so much with the idea of the more money the better, but more I feel uncomfortable around homeless people.

But the main thing that bothers me with money is that the people who have money, do nothing or very little with it. which relates to Esu's post on Africa.
I mean, there are people who have pots and pots of money, and they use it for personal benefit, when there are people who NEED it.
It reminds me of a scene in Hancock, where there is a meeting between people with money from pharmaceutical companies, and this one guy wants them to give one of their medicines, for free, to people in Africa who can't afford it.
And these men look stunned, "did you say for free?"
As if giving something, to people who really need it, without getting paid, is this alien concept which would kill them.
And it angers me that people don't give more often, that money is all they live by.

You don't realise it, but pretty much everything in everyday life is controlled by money.
How much you spend on food. How long you leave your lights on because of bills. How you travel because of the cost of a ticket. What clothes you wear because of laundry and paying for that.
Or what to buy because it'll cost £x and it might be cheaper next week. Or if you can go out with friends, because you'll need to spend £x.

It gets me so annoyed that we are all so restricted because of money. And those who aren't, pride themselves in having money, but I feel they don't deserve it, if all they are going to do is use it in order to get more money (eg, by investing)
People think money=happiness. IT DOES NOT!!!

Yes I have money, not a lot, but compared to people here at uni with me, I'm comfortable as they say. So when my friends need money, they want to go out and spend time with friends, but have only £10 for the next week, I will buy them drinks. If they need money to buy books, or clothes, or a present or anything really, I will lend them the money.
And everyone seems so surprised by this.
"you're lending them money? but they might not pay you back!"
and, so what?
Am I going to die, starve, fail uni or anything bad, because I've lent my friend £20???
No, I won't, and in the process I have made someone smile if just for a moment, doesn't that matter?

Why does money have to control our every move?! (well maybe not EVERY move, but you get my point)

It gets me so angry.
We are losing important parts of ourselves because of money. It can control our friendships, our family, our "label" in society.
It makes people restrict themselves, be mean, hate others, causes conflicts, and then it can fail and cause chaos (eg bankruptcies).

I mean, remember when the petrol prices when up? it caused so much uproar. All people saw was the price, they didn't think about WHY it went up, or WHERE it came from, or WHO was responsible, all they saw was "it's gone up, I have to spend more money"

it angers me
and saddens me
that bits of paper, coins, and imaginary money (I mean, when you go to the bank, there is no actual hard money there, when you check your bank account, they are just numbers on a screen...)
can cause so much pain, so many conflicts and debates and just... be such an important part in everything, when it really shouldn't be.

and a quick quote I just found
"He does not possess wealth; it possesses him."
Benjamin Franklin

(I'm late for uni!!!!)

1 comment:

Suesue said...

i'll comment more later but basiclly yeh, i get you...