Monday, 10 November 2008

just some updates

Apparently I need to update my blog.
There is nothing specific or important that I want to talk about.. So I will simply write about my past few days, so nothing exciting!

Well, about 10days ago, I found out that one of my practicals was cancelled, and that would mean that I would be free thursday, friday and then the weekend, and I'm free on tuesdays anyway, so in a moment of madness, I bought tickets to go home for a week.
I got my tickets from the machines - twas new for me!
I then woke up early the next morning and got on my train to London, it was shite because I had no seat, so I stood up, and then decided to sit down on the floor - I got weird looks.. but hey, they were standing and I fell asleep! so HA!

Then I got to the Eurostar place and because I had spare time, I looked around the shops, and I bought myself a Donkey Teddy Bear, it's so soft and cute and fluffy!!!
Then I went through the eurostar checks, and was bored so sat down and read my magazine, and next to me in the waiting area, this chinese guy sat, he had a kings uni jumper and he was reading scientist? there was deff. the word scientist in the title
and I thought of Esu :)

anyway, then I got on the train and arrived in Bxl, and because it was dark and I was tired I decided to get a bus, and not a train
so go to the busstop, and this guy started hitting on me, asking me my name, where I lived and then he blatently said "I want to go back to yours and have sex"..
and for some reason he was shocked when I said no... lol

I arrive home and rang the doorbell, my brother opened the door and looked so confused!
then my mum came home an hour later (with my aunt) and we had locked the front door so that my mum had to ring the doorbell, I opened the door and she shrieked "ah, what are you doing here!!"
She did say that it was the best birthday present though, me being home...

then just spent a week at home, doing nothing and relaxing and just.. being on holiday basically.

Then, the journey back, damn travelling!!!
the eurostar was delayed, and then I got on the train from london and I got a seat, I tried to sleep but it was so uncomfortable.
Oh, at london Euston I saw James Nesbitt
and I arrived back on thursday, so like 5days ago.

On friday night I went out. Got very drunk, and in the process I half tripped (you know when you're about to trip, you twist your ankle but don't fall over) and so my ankle/foot/leg is really painful (ive just got back from Boots and bought some cream and bandages).
I also met a girl, we got drunk and made out a couple of times and have been texting over the weekend..
And saturday, the hangover!! omg.
So I sat in my flatmates room (after waking him up at 2.30pm) and we watched grey's anatomy

and that's been my past couple of weeks
So nothing interesting, nothing amazing, but nothing too boring either.

I've just been in uni for a couple of hours, I'm now going to have lunch and maybe take a short nap.
I'm back in uni at 3 and then at 7pm I have a committee members meeting for the LGBT, and then we plan to go out drinking..
But I'm running low on money, and I'm tired and my ankle hurts.. so we'll see.

oh yeah and two randoms to end with

I LOVE HAIRSPRAY!! (the film, from 2007)

and my newest fave song
"Gotta Figure This Out - Erin Mccarley"


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the music on "Grey's Anatomy"..Erin is really good. Have you heard of a singer named MEIKO? You might like her too - - I just got her album on iTunes

Suesue said...

THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR THAT sounds like u had loads of fun...I will write more when i am back home okay? still in library and i have a meeting to go to...i am a busy bee!!!!!!!!!!

Suesue said...

Apparently I need to update my blog.

it's so soft and cute and fluffy!!!
Every teddy you get is so soft anf fluffy!

Then I went through the eurostar checks, and was bored so sat down and read my magazine, and next to me in the waiting area, this chinese guy sat, he had a kings uni jumper and he was reading scientist? there was deff. the word scientist in the title
and I thought of Esu :)


so go to the busstop, and this guy started hitting on me, asking me my name, where I lived and then he blatently said "I want to go back to yours and have sex"..
and for some reason he was shocked when I said no... lol

That happened to me too !!
I was like..okay...*runs in opposite direction*
But i have to admit, i would love to go up to a hot guy, and say that to him and hope it works HAHAHA

Oh, at london Euston I saw James Nesbitt
and I arrived back on thursday, so like 5days ago.

and lastly DRINKING IS BAD WHEN YOU HAVE ONE KIDNEY :-) think grey's anatomy kidney episode...