Tuesday, 3 February 2009

just an odd update

So, I was looking forward to yesterday, and.. it turned to be very different than expected.

I was planning on going to an audition for the uni's drama society. I was ready for it, well, I was dressed and had my bag and I was on time, but when it came to leaving the flat, I panicked and couldn't leave my flat.
So after about 15minutes I decided to leave the flat and walk to the building, and if I couldn't do it, I'd go to the shop and buy comfort food. On the way I bumped into my flatmate, and we bought booze and junk food. So instead of the audition, I got drunk and ate junk food.

Then we had a pub quiz, and my team won by 10points, WOOT!
What surprised me, is that my team, it was me, my flatmate, his boyfriend, his friend, and another friend. Now those people (excluding me), they are like.. they always hang out together, smoke and drink, they're like the cool people, but the cool drinking/smoking/do drugs kinda people. It makes sense in my head.
And I felt comfortable with them; felt...good :)

And then more drinking and smoking til about 4am..

It was a weird day yesterday
Today is worse
I think I'll go take a nap, and sleep through my tutorial, cba'ed


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