Monday 12 May 2008

Exams and worrying about them and the things I do to avoid them

So today I had my 2nd exam.

My first exam was biology last week, and that went ok I guess.
It was 40multiple choice questions and then 5long answer questions.
Think the multiple choice went ok. BUT the long answer questions, I know I seriously fucked one of them up, and then another I'm not too sure about.. and GAH

Today I had anthropology - 50multiple choice questions - finished in 15minutes.
I think I made at least about 8-10mistakes, but ah well, it's 0.25 of a mark off for every mistake, so I should still be fine... right...? and what if I made more mistakes than that.?

Now I have one left, the worst, the hardest, oh yes, the dreaded CHEMISTRY!
I have not yet started studying (not a good thing I hear you say), nope, not a good thing at all, but I will, well, I PLAN to study and work my arse off for it, and hopefully it will go ok, well... as long as I don't fail it.

I've relaxed today, bought a book in HMV
"The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy & other stories" by Tim Burton
The stories are short (as in some are about 10lines long!), and it's all online riiiiight here

Also, I bought more Disney stickers and have finally finished decorating my laptop

The front (excuse the fuzzy piccy, but you get the idea, it doesn't have to be perfect for you to figure out it's covered in beautiful disney stickers)

yes that IS a clip from Pocahontas!
and Yes that IS the lovely mouse-pad that Esu gave me hanging up on the wall. Tis too pretty to use as a mouse-pad.

aaaand the back


Suesue said...

exams suckass...

OMG that is the most AMAZING laptop...and pocahontas rox babe !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey cathy, its been ages, i hope you dont mind me commenting on your blog but i saw it and followed the link from esumarys... i love your laptop, the stickers are amazing haha, its so cute, and also, pocahontas has to be one of the best dinsey films ever!!!! hope youre well x

Anonymous said...

ah yes, here i am