Monday 21 July 2008

Hot/Attractive people..

...Don't realise the pressure they put on other people.

Being here in the Canary Islands, there are a lot of Spaniards, of which tall, muscly, in swimsuits, tanned guys, who are, well, very easy on the eyes :)
But I just can NOT bring myself to even go to the pool when they are there, because it makes me feel like I'm huge (and fugly)
Also, I get the feeling that attractive people know that they are, and are oblivious to the others around them, whom they judge.
I mean, I've been sunbathing and then skinny, tanned, attractive girls walk by and yeah.. It's just rather unpleasant.

Random note - there was a massive cockroach stuck in the bath plug. It must have tried to crawl out of the plug and got stuck half way, meaning that the top part of it was sticking out, and it had it's little legs and whatnot waving about trying to get out - you could actually hear the tapping of it's legs.
Very creepy, considering it was the first cockroach I'd seen.

Random note 2 : everything on the laptop is in Spanish, rather quite fun.

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